Saturday, November 19, 2011

Projecting Climate Change

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) just released the results of a three-year-long study which projects what changes the New York climate will undergo during the rest of this century. According to The New York Times:
Its authors say it is the most detailed study that looks at how changes brought about by a warming Earth — from rising temperatures to more precipitation and global sea level rise — will affect the economy, the ecology and even the social fabric of the state.
The report is supposedly 600 pages long, but the link above goes to a summary report which is only 60 pages. In general, it's incredibly depressing — but maybe it can be used as an effective tool to convince people that we need to start addressing these issues immediately.


  1. So who is the audience for this? Is it reaching those it needs to reach?

  2. The audience is anyone interested in issues of sustainability, for sure, and in a perfect world any and everyone period. Unfortunately, the only reference I found for it in the local news media was on the NY Times site - which of course has a particular readership, especially now that it costs money to access. I'm sure NYSERDA would be interested in having a larger audience read their report, but short of appearing on "Ellen" I'm not entirely sure who in the popular media they would be able to get to listen.
